How much should you be paid for your gas?

This calculator can be used to calculate your decimal interest. Your decimal interest is the amount you will be paid for each dollar of revenue the well produces.

If you need ANY help with this form call us now at (844) 645-2274 and we would be glad to assist you!

What is the total number of acres in your production unit? A production unit is an area of land around a well that is entitled to receive a share of the well's production. Production unit's are typically 640 acres but not always.

How many acres do you own within the production unit? This can be determined by private agreements or by mineral rights law.) DO NOT enter the total number of acres in the production unit. ONLY enter the exact amount of acreage you own.

Enter your royalty rate as a decimal number between 12.5 and 25. The royalty rate should be in your lease agreement. It is the share of gas produced from the well that you will be paid for. Royalty rates are typically between 12.5% and 25%. Enter 12.5 for a royalty rate of 12.5% or 1/8

All information provided by this calculator is an estimate only. The royalties that you are entitled to can be significantly different than these calculations depending agreements in your lease, expenses that you are expected to share, local/state laws, and other factors.